Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Wedding Punch

This came from a dear friend from church years ago. It's probably the best punch recipe I've ever had. I usually use peach jello but you can use whatever you want. Of course you can use it for occasions other than weddings.

Serves approximately 40 4 oz. cups

1 family size jello (whatever color needed)
4 cups boiling water
2 cups sugar
46 oz. unsweetened pineapple juice
8 oz. lemon juice (bottled)
1 tablespoon almond extract (key ingredient!)
4 cups cold water

Melt the jello in the boiling water, stir in sugar until melted. Add the remaining ingredients. Freeze (I usually use a washed out milk container). Thaw 5 hours before serving time. Add 1 qt (liter) cold gingerale when serving. This is meant to be a bit slushy.

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